18 Books I Finished on July 2023 | Reading Wrap Up


Hi guys! I present you my (super late) July Reading Wrap Up. On July, I finished 18 books and I'm officially free from reading slump. For the video format, you can watch it on shainalite channel, and let me know your thoughts about all these books in the comment box! 

1. The Alpha Girl's Guide by Henry Manampiring

Read : July 5 - 7, 2023

Rating : 2 / 5 stars

The Alpha Girl's Guide offers inspiration and covers various aspects of personal development, making it potentially valuable for younger readers and those seeking a basic understanding of alpha qualities. However, the lack of practical guidance, distracting jokes, and limited perspective on emotions detract from the overall appeal of the book for me.


2. The Teashop Girls by Laura Schaefer

Read : July 7 - 8, 2023

Rating : 4 / 5 stars

The Teashop Girls by Laura Schaefer is a delightful and heartwarming book that captures the essence of friendship, perseverance, and the joy of tea. With relatable characters, a cozy teashop setting, and a story that emphasizes the power of true friendship, the book leaves readers with a warm and fuzzy feeling. It encourages readers to embrace their passions, support local businesses, and face challenges with determination and creativity. Through its engaging narrative and valuable life lessons, The Teashop Girls reminds us of the beauty of friendship, the importance of following our dreams, and the comfort that can be found in a cup of tea.


3. Love in the Time of Cholera (Cinta di Tengah Wabah Kolera) by Gabriel García Márquez

Read : June 24 - July 8, 2023

Rating : 3 / 5 stars

Love in the Time of Cholera is a captivating novel that skillfully weaves together themes of love, disease, and mortality. Gabriel García Márquez's captivating storytelling and expressive writing style transport readers into a world that immerses them in the complexities of human relationships. Although the novel has its strengths and weaknesses, such as its leisurely pace and morally ambiguous characters, it delivers powerful messages to the readers. It reminds us of the enduring strength of love, the delicate nature of life, and the importance of seizing opportunities for happiness. By exploring hygiene, health, and medical themes, the book emphasizes the importance of proper sanitation, personal hygiene, and advancements in medical knowledge for the well-being of society. In the end, Love in the Time of Cholera leaves readers with a deep appreciation for the beauty and intricacy of human connections, as well as the transformative power of love in navigating the uncertainties of life.


4. Emotional Intelligence - Kecerdasan Emosional by Daniel Goleman

Read : July 4 - 10, 2023

Rating : 3.5 / 5 stars

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman offers valuable insights into the significance of emotional intelligence in our personal and professional lives. I give Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars. The book excels in relevance, writing style, and scientific support, but falls slightly short in providing practical guidance and avoiding repetitive content. Ultimately, this book serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to understand and develop their emotional intelligence.


5. The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang

Read : July 10 - 11, 2023

Rating : 3.25 / 5 stars

The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang is an enchanting graphic novel that weaves together a heartfelt story of self-discovery, acceptance, and the power of embracing one's true self. Through Wang's exquisite artwork and art style, readers are transported to a vibrant world where fashion becomes a means of self-expression and friendship becomes a pillar of support. With its thought-provoking themes, relatable characters, and stunning visuals, this graphic novel is not just a beautifully illustrated story, but a poignant reminder of the importance of embracing our authenticity and supporting others in their journey of self-discovery.


6. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Read : July 13 - 18, 2023

Rating : 3.75 / 5 stars

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor is an enchanting and thought-provoking young adult fantasy that weaves a spellbinding narrative of self-discovery, love, and the consequences of war. Its world-building and lyrical prose transport readers to a captivating realm, where magical creatures and intricate mythology come alive. The complex themes of identity, love, and sacrifice add emotional depth to the story, leaving readers with much to contemplate. While certain aspects like pacing and flashbacks are challenging enough, the strengths of the book, including the engaging protagonist and the mesmerizing writing style, can be an option for you who look for a young adult fantasy book.


7. The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna

Read : July 13 - 18, 2023

Rating : 4 / 5 stars

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches is a delightful novel that invites readers into a world of magic and self-discovery. Through its engaging characters and heartwarming messages, Sangu Mandanna crafts a narrative that celebrates individuality, the power of connection, and the pursuit of belonging. For those seeking a heartwarming and witchy read, The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches is the right book.


8. Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter

Read : June 9 - July 19, 2023

Rating : 3.5 / 5 stars

Pollyanna remains a heartwarming tale that evokes a sense of nostalgia and provides valuable life lessons. The book's strength lies in its storytelling and the enduring themes of hope and healing. However, the potential for toxic positivity within the "Glad Game" and the portrayal of an almost flawlessly ideal main character do slightly detract from the overall experience. As such, this review awards Pollyanna a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars.


9. A Castle in the Clouds by Kerstin Gier

Read : June 23 - July 20, 2023

Rating : 4.25 / 5 stars

A Castle in the Clouds by Kerstin Gier is a heartwarming and enchanting YA novel that offers a cozy winter story set in a hotel in the Swiss Alps. With its engaging characters, intriguing mysteries, and romantic undertones, the book has a lot to offer to readers seeking a delightful and light read. While the initial slow pace may require some patience, the book rewards readers with a charming story filled with humor, wit, and a touch of holiday magic. If you're looking for a feel-good and atmospheric tale with a cast of endearing characters, A Castle in the Clouds is the perfect choice for your next cozy read.


10. Saving Sunshine by Saadia Faruqi

Read : July 20 - 22, 2023

Rating : 3.5 / 5 stars

Saving Sunshine is a graphic novel that leaves a lasting impact on its readers. With its authentic representation, engaging narrative, and poignant messages, the book stands out as a work for children's literature. Whether you seek relatable family stories, diverse representation, or important life lessons, Saving Sunshine delivers on all fronts, making it a highly recommended and beloved book for anyone's reading list.


11. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

Read : July 18 - 22, 2023

Rating : 2.5 / 5 stars

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success has its merits in introducing the mindset concept and offering thought-provoking examples. However, the book's shortcomings in oversimplification, repetitiveness, and lack of inclusivity hinder its potential impact. My personal rating is 2.5 out of 5 stars, as I appreciate the book's core ideas but find certain aspects challenging and detracting from the overall reading experience.


12. The Food Diary of Miss Maid Vol. 1 by Susumu Maeya

Read : July 22 - 23, 2023

Rating : 4 / 5 stars

The Food Diary of Miss Maid Vol. 1 by Susumu Maeya is an absolute delight for manga enthusiasts and food lovers. This heartwarming manga follows the charming tale of a maid left to her own devices in her master's house while he was in London. What makes this manga truly special is the protagonist's endearing quest to discover Japan through its cuisine. With a guidebook in hand, she sets out to taste everything from dango and takoyaki to mochi and beyond, and the vivid food illustrations are bound to make your mouth water. Amidst all the culinary adventures, the manga weaves a light and heartwarming narrative around daily life. What's even more fascinating is the inclusion of fascinating facts about Japanese foods, adding an educational layer to the story. The Food Diary of Miss Maid Vol. 1 is a must-read, offering a delicious blend of food appreciation and endearing storytelling.

13. The Tea Dragon Society by K. O'Neill

Read : July 22 - 23, 2023

Rating : 4.25 / 5 stars

The Tea Dragon Society is an enchanting and heartwarming graphic novel that beautifully portrays the messages of friendship, tradition, and acceptance. K. O'Neill's artwork adds a magical touch, enriching the storytelling with its intricate details and expressive characters. Greta's journey into understanding tradition and heritage serves as an inspiring reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural roots. This graphic novel is a must-read for anyone seeking a heartfelt story filled with meaningful life lessons.


14. Pembaca Bintang di Kedai Kopi Bulan Purnama by Mochizuki Mai, Sakurada Chihiro

Read : July 21 - 25, 2023

Rating : 3.75 / 5 stars

Pembaca Bintang di Kedai Kopi Bulan Purnama is a delightful read that touches upon valuable life lessons. It weaves themes of self-discovery, friendship, and astrology into a heartwarming story. Despite some language and consistency issues, the book provides an enjoyable and insightful experience. 


15. Graceling by Kristin Cashore 

Read : February 22 - July 26, 2023

Rating : 4.5 / 5 stars

Graceling by Kristin Cashore is a captivating and imaginative tale, enriched by its engaging narration and well-structured plot. The book's intriguing world-building, compelling characters, and exploration of profound themes ensure it stays with readers long after the final page. While leaving me yearning for more insight into the antagonist's motives, the overall experience was gratifying for me.


16. Legenda Perompak Naga: Seni Membangunkan Naga dari Laut by Wisnu Suryaning Adji

Read : July 27 - 28, 2023

Rating : 4 / 5 stars

Legenda Perompak Naga: Seni Membangunkan Naga dari Laut is an entertaining adventure that captivates readers with its interesting characters, unique writing style, and delightful culinary elements. It's suitable for those who seek a well-crafted tale without an overwhelming number of characters. While there are areas that could be improved, the book's charm and heartwarming interactions make it a delightful read in the fantasy genre.


17. Dim Sum Palace by X. Fang

Read : July 30, 2023

Rating : 3.5 / 5 stars

Dim Sum Palace by X. Fang is a delightful picture book that takes young readers on a whimsical journey of imagination and discovery. The story revolves around our curious main character, who's bubbling with excitement about visiting the mysterious Dim Sum Palace with her parents. With a child's wonder, she envisions this place in her night dream, and the book beautifully captures her interpretation. What sets this picture book apart is its ability to connect with kids on a relatable level. It's easy to understand and encourages young minds to dream and interpret the unknown. The inner covers are adorned with colorful illustrations of various dim sum delights along with their names, making it both an enjoyable read and a learning experience for children. 

18. The Old Man and the Sea (Lelaki Tua dan Laut) by Ernest Hemingway

Read : July 31, 2023

Rating : 3 / 5 stars

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway is a novella exhibits both strengths and weaknesses that contribute to its overall impact. On the positive side, its exploration of themes such as perseverance, human determination, and the intricate relationship between man and nature is commendable. Santiago's struggle and the metaphorical representation of the sea as both nurturing and hostile force offer thought-provoking insights. However, the novella's singular focus on Santiago's journey and prolonged sequences of his battle with the marlin resulted in a sense of monotony, impacting the engagement with the story. The message of resilience in the face of adversity remains inspiring, yet the narrative's repetitive nature and some aspects of character portrayal hindered my full immersion into the story.



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